Does your organization have the skills to develop and execute a marketing program outside Japan?
Robert Peterson applies his 40+ years of experience, training, and outsider’s eye to the opportunity Japanese businesses have to expand their business internationally through the development and delivery of a marketing communication strategy to achieve its objectives.
Mr. Peterson has developed a hands-on training program based on a business expansion project directly related to your business. Select the product or service, appoint the person or team of people you want to train who have the direct responsibility to make the project happen. Mr. Peterson will run them through a marketing basic training boot camp. An additional benefit of the program is that all the work will be developed and presented in English. Mr. Peterson is also a skilled presenter and will help participants improve their English communications skills.
The outcome of the program will be a marketing communication strategy to serve as the foundation of the project ready to present to executives for approval and practical implementation.
Target participants for this seminar are employees working in: Sales, Sales Planning, Marketing, Customer Relations, Overseas Sales Support, Market Research, Product Planning, etc.
The schedule of the program is flexible, usually one-day per-week for six weeks. There will be homework between class sessions, Mr. Peterson will be available for coaching support. Mr. Peterson’s key interest is to develop critical thinking skills.
Some of key points the participants will learn and discuss during in the seminar include:
- Use SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis to focus on business issues marketing is to address, setting the business objectives
- Determine why your product or services exists (purpose), what does it do, how does it do it?
- Who are the target customers outside Japan?
- Define your product or service as a brand, what is its promise?
- Describe the brand experience at all customer contact points
- Define the brand’s points of differentiation vs competitors
- Tell your brand story, reasons to believe
- Marketing communications deliverables, what needs to be produced
- Creative messages, media targeting
- Need for outside support services, how to work with them
- Determine needs of the sales team
- Define how to determine success and measure it
- Budget – funding marketing program
- Establishing project timeline and working process
Please contact us for further details if:
You agree that marketing approaches that work in Japan need to be adapted to succeed in other markets?
You are starting up or expanding a business that has its greatest potential to expand internationally?
Expanding your customer base outside Japan is key to your long term growth or survival?
You have a product or service that could be performing better?
Legal disclaimer: this information is the intellectual property of the Wickaboag Consulting Group, Inc. and may not be reproduced or implemented without the express knowledge and permission of Robert E. Peterson – President.