Our objective is to help our clients develop employee capabilities and create high performing organizations that achieve extraordinary results.
We offer a full range of organizational development consulting services to develop employees’ skills and organizational capabilities. Examples include; more effective business communication skills, better decision-making processes, more appropriate leadership styles, improved project management, and developing improved levels of trust and cooperation amongst all employees.
How do our consultants work?
Our consultants work with our clients to offer a full range of organizational development consulting services, including:
- Change management – working with departments, committees and other groups to help them plan and implement significant changes in their organizations such as work reorganization or organizational redesign.
- Group problem solving – helping a group identify a key issue, gather information about it, and outline decisions or action plans needed to address the issue.
- Talent management – helping managers assess their department’s workforce so that the right people are in the right roles with the right set of skills at the right time.
- Meeting design and facilitation – working with clients to help them plan an agenda, stay with the agenda, and discuss issues effectively.
- Team building and development – helping a team to develop its ability to work more effectively together.
- Business process improvements – working with a group to analyze the current way of doing a specific piece of work to determine whether there is a better way to design how the work gets done.
- Customized training – working with a group to develop knowledge, skills or values relative to an organizational objective.
Globalization is possibly the hottest word in business today. And yet, does anyone really know what is involved in going global? And if your company has decided to become a global player, do you really have what it takes to compete on the global stage?
Click here to learn more about our Global Competency Development services.
Rapidly evolving information and communication technology and the forces of globalization have made it impossible for companies to rest: competitors have the ability to wipe out any advantage with unbelievable speed and customers are exerting more and more pressure to reduce profit margins.
Click here to learn more about our Organizational Transformation services.
Planning communications for your home market is easy.
But how confident are you that the same approach you use at home will work when you expand your business overseas?
Click here to learn more about our Overseas Communications services.
We can contribute to the success of your business through a comprehensive consulting service which starts with an understanding of your strategic business objectives and the competencies, skills and attitudes required to take you there.
Click here to learn more about our Instructional Design services.
In today’s business environment, organizations need to manage information, knowledge and skills very effectively in order to maintain competitive advantage.
Click here to learn more about our Internal Mentoring Programs.