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Japan HRBP Professional Development Program – Report (Nov. 2019) - Globalinx Corp

26 - 27 November 2019

Japan HRBP Professional Development Program – Report (Nov. 2019)

by admin

26 - 27 November 2019

Japan HRBP Professional Development Program – Report (Nov. 2019)



Next Seminar will be conducted on 20th & 21st May 2020. Please access details here


Globalinx, ChapmanCG and GE Healthcare have partnered to offer an exclusive two-day professional development program for leading HR Business Partners in Tokyo and across Japan. This partnership has one mission in mind: to offer a Japan-based learning platform for HR Business Partners that will equip them with the necessary skills to compete on the global stage.

The emerging requirement for HR professionals in Japan is to act as true ‘Business Partners’ to the organization and to lead rather than follow. To meet this requirement, HRBPs need to act as consultants with their internal customers and work with them to build an organization that can win in the marketplace.

With this in mind, we ran our second open Japan HRBP Development seminar, November 26/27 in Tokyo.


Thirty-four participants from twenty-three different organizations and industries helped to create an engaging learning environment and an energetic group dynamic. The participants openly shared their experiences and knowledge and learned new processes and methodologies that will help them to provide strategic HR solutions to complex organizational issues.

Program Contents  – Day 1

  • The role of a strategic HR Business Partner
  • What business leaders expect from their HR Business Partners
  • Traditional verses Strategic HR
  • The skills, knowledge and capabilities required to develop business acumen
  • Understanding company performance through vision, strategy, objectives and results
  • Conducting a SWOT analyses
  • Linking the HR Strategy to Company Strategy

Developing the HR Strategy


Program Contents  – Day 2

  • Conducting a full organizational analysis around:Vision & Mission
    • Strong Organization
    • Positive Environment
    • Growth & Development
    • Rewards & Recognition
  • HR data analysis – understanding business issues through HR data
  • Presenting HR solutions that meet the true needs of the business
  • Creating a personal action plan to develop Strategic HRBP skills and competencies

Developing Solutions

Final Report Presentations

Each team presented their organization development solutions based on their strategic analysis of the business and HR data provided. The quality and depth of each team’s solutions was very impressive and demonstrated a clear understanding of the methods and process learned over the two-days.

Looking Ahead

The event was made possible through the synergy of three organizations. The drive and inspiration for the program was provided by Rina Sakuraba (GE Healthcare); Neal Walters (ChapmanCG), reached out and gathered the right participants for this event; and the content for the program was designed and developed by Kevin Reynolds and facilitated by Kevin and Tomomi Kotani (GLOBALINX).

We are very pleased with the overall results and very encouraged by the participants feedback and comments. We are now planning our next open seminars, where we will continue with this fundamental program and also add additional classes focusing on Consultation Techniques.



We’d like to say “thank you very much” to all the participants for your hard work and active participation in this, our second Japan HRBP Professional Development Seminar. We’d also like to say a big thank you to GE Healthcare for supporting the program and to ChapmanCG for being our partner for this event!


Philip Deane and Kevin Reynolds



Message from Kevin:

“I’d like to say ‘Thank you’ to everyone for coming to the program and for participating so enthusiastically. Everyone made a great contribution! I hope to see you again on future workshops, especially the “HRBP as Consultant,” workshop, which will be held later in 2020. In the meantime, if you ever need any help or advice on HR issues, do feel free to contact me at kr@globalinx.co.jp.”

Seminar Report can be downloaded as a PDF here

View report fullscreen here

The next seminar will be conducted on 4th & 5th March 2020. Details can be accessed here.

A summary of the participants’ overall evaluation and comments is included below.



  1. Overall, I think this course was very useful and worth attending.

  1. Overall comments and suggestions. 全体の感想や意見。
    • チームとして議論しながらトレーニングする良いプログラムと思います。
    • 今回のworkshopを通じて自分自身の目線を高めることができ、今後の仕事で活用していきたいです。
    • 本社人事もHRBP業務を理解してもらうために参加したらいいのにと思いました。
    • コース内容もさることながら、他のHRBPの視点や考え方の切り口がとても勉強になりました。
    • Enjoyable program. Create network (peer to peer)
    • 横のつながりをつくる意味でも、BPとしての業務を見直すにもとても有益でした。
    • 他企業のHRの方とのケースワークでHRBP体験ができたこと。「こうやってやっていくのね」というイメージが沸き、すぐ実践しようと思える。
    • 体系的に学べる内容で、Rinaさんが意図しているとおり実践もたくさん含まれていてとても良かったです。Theoryだけ学んでinputのとき困るセミナーが多いので、実践があり良かったです。
    • かなりハードな研修でしたが、BPとしての学びが多い研修で参加して良かったです。
    • 内容ももちろん、他社のideaを聞くことができ大変有益であった。
    • カリキュラムの内容も新鮮で、すべてが新しい学びになりました。また異なる企業のHRBPの方との関わりは初めてでしたので、交流できたことは貴重でした。
    • ケーススタディについてのワークメインで実践的な内容だったため、リアルに自分の仕事に落とし込みやすいところが良かったです。
    • チームで導き出すのは楽しかったです。
    • 人事からBPになりたての人が多かったので、アドバンスコースも受けてみたい。ベースのレベルが高かったので、議論がスムーズで面白かったです。
    • 自分の従来のやり方を客観的に見てブラッシュアップする機会になりました。
    • HRBPとしての役割、求められている職責など明確になりました。
    • 大変実用的でわかりやすいプログラムでした。
    • Contents もよく、また人材交流ができたことがとても有益でした。
    • This exceeded my expectations in regards to the content to facilitation to attendees. Want to give a 6 out of 5.

FUTURE SKILL NEEDS(今後のスキル向上について)

  1. Which areas would you like to study in the future. 今後向上させたいスキル領域をお聞かせください。
    • 未来志向、ビジネス視点に立つソリューションの提案
    • 人事が持っているデータを基に“フレーム”を用いて解決策に導くこと
    • Consulting / Negotiation skills
    • 問題を起こす社員への対応やBPとして(部門からの依頼のうまい断り方とか)部門とのコミュニケーション方法
    • 提案内容を実行するための説得力(presentation skill)
    • コーチングスキル(特にppl manager へのコーチング)
    • Leadership
    • Business acumen
    • ビジネス理解のセンス
    • 直感をデータを基に丁寧に提言する
    • ビジネス視点、データ分析/活用
    • 交渉力(特にSenior managerに対して)
    • HRデータの活用、収集の方向
    • 分析力
    • HR analytics, IT literacy
    • Executive Coaching, cross-cultural communications

Seminar Report can be downloaded as a PDF here

View report fullscreen here

The next seminar will be conducted on 4th & 5th March 2020. Details can be accessed here.

