It's a fast-paced changing world

Time Management

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It's a fast-paced changing world

Time Management



Technology is changing, the workplace is changing, competition is changing, customer demand is changing, products and services are changing, international relations are changing, and government regulations are changing.

Are you changing? Is your work- force changing? How can you cope with the enormous amount of change taking place in your world and still do your work?

The answer is good time management. Time management is a skill that you can develop to help you maximize your efficiency, allowing you to complete all the needed tasks to be finished within the day and still having some spare time to relax and unwind with your family or friends.

Here are a couple of time management tips from our seminar that will help you maximize your hours of work in the office.

Have a To-Do List

Instead of merely just starting with the load of paperwork that is waiting for you on your office desk, take a moment to create a to-do list, which includes all the tasks that you need to finish for today. When making your to-do list, make it a point to prioritize those tasks that would require the most amount of concentra- tion, focus and resources to be accomplished. The least priority should be given to tasks that you consider to be routine and non- challenging.

Know Your Highs and Lows

When is your energy level at its highest and lowest? As a rule of thumb, work on complex tasks during those periods when your energy levels are high since this would allow you to focus and concentrate on these tasks. Set the routine and non-challenging tasks during the times of the day that you feel your energy levels are low. If you want to be more productive and get more done in less time, then become more conscious of your time management skills and learn how to make better use of your time.


Joseph Hull
